(973) 584-7349

Sunday School and Youth Ministries

Sunday School (3 years of age to High School)

Sunday School classes for children and youth (Ages 3 years of age through High School) take place at 10:00 am from mid-September through mid-June. Classes are grouped by grade and employ a variety of fun and engaging age-appropriate methods for teaching young people about the Bible and about living as faithful followers of Jesus. We involve our children in our church mission projects throughout the year which includes collecting food items for Roxbury Social Services, Operation Christmas Child and connecting with our homebound members by making crafts and cards for them. 

Music Moment 

After Sunday School, children ages 3 years of age to 4th grade gather for 15 minutes to learn and sing new bible songs weekly.  The songs they sing are shared with the congregation during special worship services throughout the year for all to enjoy. 


Confirmation offers youth an opportunity to learn what it means to be a Christian through the United Methodist Church. Held every other year, the class enables youth in grades 7 and 8 to explore faith more deeply.  Our focus is on experiential learning through field trips and other outside-the-classroom activities. We also seek to model faith for our youth through relationships between the youth and adult mentors.  

Youth Ministries

BASIC (Youth Group, Grades 5-7)

Brothers and Sisters in Christ is our youth group for middle-school aged youth, grades 5-7.  Bi-monthly gatherings center around bible-based discussions, mission projects to serve our community and church, and fun outings together.  

UMYF (Youth Group for Post Confirmands & High Schoolers in Grades 8-12)

Our United Methodist Youth Fellowship is mission-oriented.  Every year, our youth participate in The Christian Outreach Project (COP), a week-long mission opportunity that takes place one week each summer where youth grow in their faith through service, study, prayer, and connection with other Christian youth.  During the year, our youth work together to prepare and fundraise for the COP mission trip.  They serve our church and our members by leading worship twice per year and volunteer at The Center for United Methodist Aid to the Community (CUMAC) in Paterson. 

Our youth look forward to attending two weekend youth conferences IGNITE Conference and a youth conference at the Tuscarora Inn and Conference Center.

Vacation Bible School

A week-long VBS program in July is provided for children 3 years of age to 6th grade.  A Cokesbury VBS curriculum offers a fun, creative learning experience with music, drama, crafts, and storytelling for everyone to enjoy and learn more about God.    

For more information on the 2023 VBS Program please contact Jennifer Antoncich at jantoncich@sumcnj.org.

2023 VBS will be held July 17 – 21 from 9:30am-12pmRegistration is Open! – Click here for more information on our VBS Program.


Safe Sanctuary Information

God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting all children, youth and vulnerable persons while they attend and participate in our church activities.   Please scroll down to view the attached SUMC Safe Sanctuary policy.

For additional information about Sunday School and Youth Ministries at Succasunna United Methodist Church please contact us at education@sumcnj.org and visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information. Click the Facebook icon below.