(973) 584-7349

Music Ministry

Music is a vital part of our worship.  It lifts our spirits and prepares us to receive God’s message.

Chancel Choir

Open to all singers high school age and older.  Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings (September-June) at 7:30 pm.  Our choir sings weekly during traditional worship, and sings two cantatas per year. Our choir often sings pieces composed by our gifted organist and choir director, Audrey Schultz.

Praise Band

Our praise band, “The Red Doors” lead the contemporary worship service every week.  Angie Stierch is our praise band leader who leads our band and creates a spirit of welcome.

Youth Choir

Rehearsals are held most Sundays (September-June) at 12 noon, following the traditional worship.  They sing about once per month in worship at the 11am worship service.

Special Music

Has God blessed you with a musical gift to share?  Share it with the congregation in worship.  To reach Audrey Schultz contact the church office at office@sumcnj.org.